The back of this Palace is Ridiculous!

The back of this Palace is Ridiculous!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Meeting Minutes

Greetings world!

So yesterday I had a meeting at 7 am WHO DOES THAT ON A SATURDAY?! To add insult to injury I went to bed at 3 am in the morning after a brief road trip to Santa Fe to see a wonderful friend and former roommate! Lets just say I wasn't ready for business that morning. I sat there half asleep practically drooling on myself and the meeting notes consisted of:

Only at a scout camp could you spend a whole half an hour discussing how to pack out your own vomit while hiking in the back country. GROSS, and quite humorous I might add! The whole packing out your own vomit came up because there have been a lot of bear sightings and bears are attracted to vomit and they are coming close to camps because there is fire and there is fire because there is no water. Welcome to the wilderness folks, most meetings are concerned with deadlines, paperwork, and presentations but we got water, fire, vomit, and bears!

Well I am off to finish some work!

P.S. I took a nap after that terrible meetin!

Monday, July 4, 2011

TV did not kill this radio star!

Greetings from the middle of nowhere!

Hope the rest of civilization is splendid!

Out here at Philmont we are gearing up for the second half of the summer, I can't believe I have been here 7 weeks. In those 7 weeks I have learned to enjoy listening to the CV radio, it's like high-tech eaves dropping! Here is just a little gem I heard the other day.

"This is Fish Camp to Base"
"Go ahead Fish Camp"
"We have a medical emergency here, we have a hiker with a fish hook stuck in his head"
"Fish Camp have you tried to remove it?"
"We tried but we got the pliers stuck!"
"Fish Camp we are sending transport now!'
"Roger 10-4"

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Philmont Here's to thee...

Greetings from the backcountry,

I have been terrible about keeping up with blogging lately, but I assure you I will be more consistent starting NOW! I am currently working at Philmont Scout Ranch in Cimarron, NM aka the middle of freaking nowhere. I work as the director of services at the Philmont Training Center. The Philmont Training Center (largest volunteer training center in the world) is where volunteer scout leaders come to learn more about what they can do for their specific area of scouting. Lots of adorable old men in Class A's, ok maybe not all of them are adorable. So far this summer I have gotten to meet Skip Yowell the co-founder of JanSport (he is the coolest trailblazing dude the world could ask for) and I also met the CEO of Exxon Mobil, he is seriously the most down to earth, kind, and giving person I would have ever expected in that sort of role at the largest oil company in the world. Do you think I can add to my resume that I helped him turn his microphone on?! I think so! Beyond the famous people I have met this summer, I have been equally blessed with oodles of awesome friends. I could not ask for a more awesome services team, they are not only epic employees but the best friends a girl could ask for. I am convinced that this place is magical (despite the ridiculous drought conditions that I compare to my current love life); this place is where growth happens because people are being pushed to their limits everyday, this is a place of change because you have an opportunity for a fresh start, and it is a place for tranquility (it's not everywhere that you can get such limited cell phone reception). I think it may have something to do with how the Boy Scouts of America received the land we call Philmont, a man by the name of Waite Phillips (Phillips 66 anyone?!), decided his land would be better used teaching youth rather than providing him with pleasure. So he just gave it to us! He believed that the only things you keep permanently are the things you give away, words to live by right there. So go out there and GET IT, and GIVE IT!

Until next time,


Sunday, February 6, 2011

Cherrio Ol Londontown!

So I have been back in America for over a month and finally have had sufficient time to let the London/Europe experience sink in, and oh what an experience it was. I have compiled a list of things I have learned through my experiences in London and in Europe, so here goes nothing...

-First and foremost I learned that I CAN DO ANYTHING!! Trite this statement may seem but when you are thrown into a completely foreign place with knowing absolutely no one you either crumble or you conquer. I am pretty sure I told London and the rest of Europe to bend over so I could SPANK them, but not after many tears and much soul searching.

-I came to realize that I have the absolute best group of friends and the most supportive family in the world. Through words of wisdom, countless hours on skype, wonderful letters, delicious packages, prayers, extra money, and visits they helped me through the tough times and helped me rally. You guys make me feel like the most blessed person in the world.

-On a less serious note I learned how to hale a cab....London was the first. Though expensive they got me through in a crunch

-I learned that there is no public transportation I cannot conquer, water boat, water taxi, buses, undergrounds, and cross-country trains.

-I learned I am a very strong, capable, and intelligent woman. I have heard this before but never fully believed it. I do now! I AM WOMAN HEAR ME ROAR!

-London and its outrageous fashion taught me that you don't have to be perfectly skinny or tall, you just have to own your look! Own it and you got it! Beauty is in your attitude!

-I now love hot tea

-I can thoroughly appreciate the statement "home is where the heart its"

-My travels through France and Ireland further proved that there isn't anything that the girls of 304 can't handle

-I learned patience and understanding living in a tiny room with another person as well as encountering individuals who came from different backgrounds and belief systems than myself

-I learned that it's mind over matter, if you don't mind, it doesn't matter.

-I have learned to follow my passion where ever that takes me I will be happy and the other stuff with follow.

-London taught me about the beauty of everyday living
-Europe has tought me to appreciate the life I have and the country I live in
In closing I learned to MIND THE GAP!
I have decided to continue this blog beyond London and try to update it more reularly. I am heading out for a new adventure this summer at Philmont Scout Ranch. Quite a change from one of the busiest cities in the world, but what can I say I am full of contradictions. I will keep you all updated on that as well as my travels in the coming months.