The back of this Palace is Ridiculous!

The back of this Palace is Ridiculous!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Stones, Strikes, Parties, and Baths!

Hello Everyone!

It has been awhile since I have blogged, this past week has been rather mundane. This weekend on the other hand, was crazy!!!!! One Friday I went to a student welcome party at my school. I thought it would be a little tame gathering full of finger food and potato chips. Sadly, for my brain cells and liver I was mistaken, this party consisted of a large amount of free alcohol and traditional British party know weird tea sandwiches that have God knows what on them and strange lamb filled muffin things. I had never been to a gathering where there was free alcohol that was enjoyed by student and professor alike. Lets just say I really enjoy free beverages Diet Coke or not. This little gathering continued after the free booze ran out and everyone went to the campus bar that is actually on campus! I thoroughly enjoyed myself....a little too much and met lots of interesting people. So when I finally decided I had had enough fun, my friend from class and I decided to walk back to the tube station together and go home. Seems like a pretty simple task, right? Well apparently Regent's Park, the park my school is in, locks its gates at night! I started having a minor panic attack! How the hell in my compromised state am I suppose to get out of this park?!?!?! So my friend decided it would be a great idea to hop the fence and some how by a divine miracle I DID! I did it without breaking any bones or ripping any clothing! SUCCESS!!! The night continued to be strange, I watched my first pub brawl while walking home! SCARY!

The weekend continued and I regenerated brain cells and moved on to more cultural endeavors with a trip to Stonehenge, Salisbury, and Bath! Stonehenge was less than impressive but I can say I have been there! Salisbury was a beautiful place in a tiny cute village sort of way! Bath was the main event though, it is this rustic village nestled at the top of a hill and the village sprawls down into the river valley below. It is everything I ever imagined while reading a Jane Austen novel. The town is quaint and calm with every luxury of big city shopping. The only problem with these cute little villages is they have an over abundance of sweet shops. How's a sister suppose to watch her weight when there is fudge around every corner. It is however, an affliction I would choose over any other.

After my side trip on Sunday my week started like any other, working on homework on Monday, nothing too eventful. Tuesday was a different story, I woke up strangely early and decided to go with it and just get to class earlier than usual. I stepped outside into the balmy nearly-fall breeze and something felt awry, there were too many bicyclists on the street, too many pedestrians on the side walk for this early in the morning. I reached the crest of the hill to see King's Cross closed, and then I remembered London Underground strike! DAMN! On any other day I would just take the bus if my particular train line was not working but today almost every line was shut down due to the strike and all 11 million Londoners had the same idea. After waiting for half an hour with nearly half of Islington, I decided to take my travel into my own hands, or feet rather. Due to the excessive amount of foot traffic I decided to take an alternate pedestrian root to my campus. Sounded like such a good idea, well it wasn't I walked 2 miles out of my way on my normally 3 mile walk and ended up on the East Jesus side of the park. I some how managed to navigate my way through the massive park and to school, still half an hour early mind you. The way home was the same transportation horror story, I decided to walk again but this time I took the road MOST traveled!


P.S. The strike ends tomorrow morning! I am glad it was not an American-like strike where it could be weeks! I think there would be a city mutiny if that occured!

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