The back of this Palace is Ridiculous!

The back of this Palace is Ridiculous!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Meeting Minutes

Greetings world!

So yesterday I had a meeting at 7 am WHO DOES THAT ON A SATURDAY?! To add insult to injury I went to bed at 3 am in the morning after a brief road trip to Santa Fe to see a wonderful friend and former roommate! Lets just say I wasn't ready for business that morning. I sat there half asleep practically drooling on myself and the meeting notes consisted of:

Only at a scout camp could you spend a whole half an hour discussing how to pack out your own vomit while hiking in the back country. GROSS, and quite humorous I might add! The whole packing out your own vomit came up because there have been a lot of bear sightings and bears are attracted to vomit and they are coming close to camps because there is fire and there is fire because there is no water. Welcome to the wilderness folks, most meetings are concerned with deadlines, paperwork, and presentations but we got water, fire, vomit, and bears!

Well I am off to finish some work!

P.S. I took a nap after that terrible meetin!

Monday, July 4, 2011

TV did not kill this radio star!

Greetings from the middle of nowhere!

Hope the rest of civilization is splendid!

Out here at Philmont we are gearing up for the second half of the summer, I can't believe I have been here 7 weeks. In those 7 weeks I have learned to enjoy listening to the CV radio, it's like high-tech eaves dropping! Here is just a little gem I heard the other day.

"This is Fish Camp to Base"
"Go ahead Fish Camp"
"We have a medical emergency here, we have a hiker with a fish hook stuck in his head"
"Fish Camp have you tried to remove it?"
"We tried but we got the pliers stuck!"
"Fish Camp we are sending transport now!'
"Roger 10-4"